Monday, November 7, 2011


Don't cry,
                'cause none will acknowledge
                this cry of thee...
Don't shout,
               'cause none will hear
                this shout of thee...

Thy tears will run dry
Thy screams will all die
Yet none will see the pain
That is burning thy vein...

Don't bleed,
                  'cause none will see
                   thy blood
Don't fall,
                'cause none will ever
                 pick thy up...

Just walk on the stones and clod
But never stop to see thy blood
Just smile through all thy tears
Show the world, none of thy fears...

Don't love,
                'cause it'll just
                  give thy tears...
Don't stop,
                 'cause it'll just
                  increase thy fears...

Always consider these words wise
Keep thy heart, cold as ice
Never let any warmth reach thy eyes
Because then, thy would only earn envice...

'Cause thy was born into this world alone
And thy would die in a grave lone
Thee is nothing but a doll
In the hands of the Fates, proud and tall....

Sunday, November 6, 2011

I Wonder...

There were times when I used to look at my aquarium and
think how the fishes felt...being trapped like they are.....
There were times when I used to look at my birds and think
how it felt to have wings and yet not be able to fly...
Sometimes when I saw chained dogs I used to wonder how they
felt at having to struggle and fight for their freedom and yet fail at it.....
Sometimes when I saw broken hearts I used to wonder how bad
the pain would be to lose the person one loved....
Sometimes when my friends waited to meet their love I used
to wonder how the separation of a few moments could feel like years....
But now I know how it feels to be trapped with nowhere to
escape....I know how it feels to have your wings cut....I know how it feels to
struggle for freedom...’cause now am a fish in an aquarium, a
bird in a cage, a dog in a chain....I have been chained in a destiny that I
wanted not, that I chose not......and I really wish I could break free from
this bond...But some things can never be broken....certain things cannot be
I now know how it feels to have your heart broken....what it
means to be separated from your love....I know the hurt when your love is miles
away from you....I know the pain of waiting without knowing how long it
I have known it all....and I have matured...and somewhere
along the way I have changed....changed from a sweet innocent kid to a fighter
to a young girl broken by the ruthlessness of this world to a cold heart devoid
of any emotion....
And now I wonder which saying is correct....
‘cause ignorance kept me happy and bubbly and all knowledge
gave me was a self that I recognize not....knowledge has trapped me inside
myself...and no matter how hard I fight, I cannot free myself from within
Love, dreams, friendship....I have lost them all on my way
to am I enlightened now or have I become more ignorant than
Have I matured or am I just another emotionless fool in the
And am I a winner or
am I another looser who thinks they have learnt how to live in this world???
I wonder...