Tuesday, October 1, 2013

I am a Woman...

I cannot be weak, I cannot break down. I need to stand tall and strong. I need to face this world with an unbreakable strength. Because I am a woman, I am the child of Mother Nature. In me lies the power of creation. In my veins flows the blood of tolerance. No matter how strong a storm I face, my roots are embedded deep into the ground; I won’t budge. With my womb I maintain the delicate balance of existence. And yet, I am the reincarnation of Kali, the mother of destruction. I am the daughter of the ever-flowing Ganga. I rinse the sins of souls, all the while maintaining my integrity, my identity.

 I am the epitome of eternal beauty, for it is not my body but my heart that holds the true wonder. I am the nurturer, the protector. I am serendipity’s serene miracle. Like a river I drown in me all the pain. Like a tree I nourish. Like the mountain I stand unmovable. Like the rain I wash away fear. Like the ocean I crash on the shore of life, never taking away anything with me. Like the sky I am ever calm, like clouds I float bringing freshness. I am warm like the summer breeze; I am cool like the fresh snow.

And yet, I am a kindred spirit, I am a small child with an innocent soul. All I need is a little bit of love. Like a seedling I need a bit of care to grow into a strong tree. For all my strength, I need a hand to hold me when I stumble. I need a shoulder to rest on; I need a smile to lighten my heart. I cry not because I am over emotional, but because I shoulder your burdens, I feel your pain. I absorb your tears and make them mine. I need your smooth caress, I need the reassurance of your warm breathe to give me strength. I just need your company, your support. Be with me, and I will take away all your pain.